Today we publish the third instalment of this series of short explanatory articles to learn more about each module and the applications they have for the campsite. Today, it is the turn of the survey module.
With the booking and product modules already well detailed, it's time to talk about the module that will allow you to know and measure the degree of satisfaction of the guests in the different aspects of the campsite.
The Uplaan survey module is prepared to create, schedule, send and collect satisfaction surveys.

The creation of surveys is simple: the module allows you to create a battery of questions with different answer modalities: open, multiple answer, Yes-No, with score ranges, which you can link to a reservation or stay.
The surveys will be sent automatically according to the parameters you have set. These can be sent on a one-off, recurring basis or at the end of a service, stay or event. You will be able to determine whether the survey is sent in a general way to all the public or to a specific segment of the user public.
Once the guest has answered the survey from their own mobile device (via App or email), their answers will be stored on the platform and will be linked to their guest file.
The results will also be recorded collectively. The campsite will be able to know the opinion of all the guests surveyed about the same service, product or even about the same professional. This information will be collected in convenient tables and graphs, allowing the campsite team to know, at a glance, what is the perception of their guests on the issue consulted.
The survey module provides you with the information you need to continue improving the customer experience.
Do you want to know more? Contact us through our website or write to us at